Comparison Kills Your Confidence

Comparing yourself to others will bring your self esteem way down. I know this from experience because social media started growing when I was in my teenage years. The truth is that you’re comparing yourself to someone else’s highlight reel. It’s not real. What you have to understand about comparison is that people only show you the parts of their life that they want you to see. You don’t see their downfalls or failures. You shouldn’t compare yourself to someone on your timeline because you only see the background of your own life. You don’t see what that girl on Instagram is going through offline, you don’t see the 10 different pictures she took before posting her best one. This will definitely kill your confidence because you think you need to be like her, you think that you need to have everything figured out right now and that’s not the case at all. If you find yourself struggling with this on a daily basis, it’s time to take some time off. Instagram isn’t going anywhere. There’s nothing wrong with taking breaks every now and then because your mental health is just so much more important. I will be the first person to remind you that NOBODY has it all figured out. Don’t let social media fool you because that girl or boy that you compare yourself to, isn’t perfect either. Often times we forget that we don’t know what goes on behind the scenes. If you really sit and think about it the person you like to compare yourself to could be going through something offline and making it seem like they’re okay when they probably aren’t. This just goes to show you that you can’t compare yourself to anyone. The next time you catch yourself doing this, keep these tips in mind.

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❇ Let go of competition. The only person you should be competing with is yourself at the end of the day. ⁣

❇ Focus on yourself. Shift your mindset for the better. ⁣

❇ Spend LESS TIME ON SOCIAL MEDIA. If you’re a fellow iPhone user, you can now set a time limit for certain apps and once that time comes you can’t use the app anymore until the time passes. ⁣

❇ Count your blessings and remember what it is that you’re grateful for. Write a gratitude list then read it back, see how that makes you feel. ⁣

It’s Time To Stop Seeking Validation ✨

If you’ve been keeping up with my recent posts on Instagram, then you’ve probably already seen this. This topic is so important to me because I used to struggle with this during my teenage years. This is when social media had just started growing and I was on it everyday after school. Because I was already advanced in thinking I knew I was different from the others. I just always felt super misunderstood even by the people closest to me. I used to struggle with comparing myself to others but I will say that now I’m glad that I didn’t fit in because I was made to stand out and walk in my own lane.

This helped shape me into the person I am now and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It honestly annoys me when I see people on social media posting things indirectly towards other people because everything is not meant for social media. Some things need to be talked about in person. I’ve definitely dealt with this a few times in my life where certain people would write things indirectly to me and it would hurt me when I saw it because I just didn’t understand why it needed to be on the internet or why we couldn’t talk about it in person. That’s what I mean about posting things just to get people to comment on agreement with you when they don’t have a clue what or who you’re talking about. This is why it’s important to watch your timeline and get rid of people who don’t bring you happiness. It’s also important to take breaks when you find yourself comparing. I guess I’m just super passionate about this because I’ve gone through it as well. Of course people are going to do what they want but you can unfollow people who make you question yourself on a regular basis. So if you struggle with seeking validation, I’ve listed some important reasons why you have to stop this habit right now below to help you with this.

Ask yourself why you need those things to really feel better about yourself. Why can’t you just accept yourself for who you truly are?

Why do you feel like if you don’t get this many likes on your pictures it’s worth deleting? I could go on and on about this one especially so you will get a new blog post all about it soon. Do you feel me though?

Constantly seeking validation from others will kill your confidence. You have to know that you are worth it with or without the material things.

Here are 3 Important Reasons Why You Should Stop Doing This:

❇️ You can’t please everyone and you will drain yourself completely if you continue this.

❇️ Constantly seeking validation from others is more time consuming than you think.

❇️ Your true freedom will come from depending on yourself and finding your happiness within you. If you agree leave me a comment and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram @